Carefully remove the bandage and clean the tattoo after 4-5 hours. Only use CLEAN HANDS to wash your tattoo. I recommend plain Dial Gold soap, no scented soaps or scrubs. Thoroughly clean your tattoo by lathering the soap with warm (NOT HOT) water and cleaning your tattoo in a circular motion, until all ointment, blood, and plasma are removed and it is as clean as when it was initially wrapped. Rinse the tattoo with warm water and dab dry gently with clean paper towels. Avoid bath towels due to bacteria. You will need to saran wrap your tattoo at night for the FIRST 2 NIGHTS ONLY. This will make it easier to clean in the morning and allow you to remove the plasma when you wake rather than allowing it to dry and stick to sheets while you sleep. As far as general cleaning, be sure to clean several times daily over the first few days as this is when your tattoo will weep with plasma the most. Make sure your tattoo gets plenty of oxygen during the day. Always use clean paper towels only to clean your tattoo. Repeat the cleaning and drying process for the first few days until flaking and peeling starts.
After a few days, the tattoo will begin to form flaky scabs that will fall off on their own. A very thin layer of non-scented water based lotion (I recommend Lubriderm) should be applied to the tattoo A FEW TIMES DAILY ONCE THE TATTOO BEGINS TO DRY OUT (lotion is not usually needed over the first couple days as the tattoo is still an open wound). If at any point you apply too much lotion just dab off any excess with a clean paper towel. I DO NOT recommend the use of petroleum based healing ointments. Oxygen is crucial in healing a tattoo and most petroleum based ointments restrict oxygen to your tattoo. DO NOT PICK OR SCRATCH YOUR TATTOO. DO NOT OVER MOISTURIZE. Keep out of prolonged sunlight until healed. Wear loose clothing over a fresh tattoo. If the area is prone to swelling such as an ankle, ice and elevation can be implemented. No submerging or swimming of any kind until it has fully peeled. Quick showers are best, and be sure to dab your tattoo dry with clean paper towels after showering (no bath towels). Most tattoos are peeled in about two weeks and fully healed in about one month. Once fully healed, a little sunscreen goes a long way towards protecting your tattoo in the long run. If you have any questions about your healing please contact me. Please do not consult your friends about healing tattoos, as everyone’s body is different.
Effortlessly protect your new tattoos with Recovery Derm Shield, a latex-free transparent matte film adhesive bandage. Derm Shield offers maximum breathability and flexibility, providing optimal conditions for flawless, gentle healing and skin renewal. It eliminates scabbing and reduces the risk of scarring, while preventing exposure to bacteria, dirt, and abrasion. Derm Shield is waterproof, but permeable to allow skin perspiration, and it is durable enough to keep up with your everyday activities with a peace of mind and body. Preserving tattoo vibrancy, Derm Shield allows your skin to breathe and heal the right way.
Gently clean and pat dry the tattoo and surrounding area, ensuring there is no soap or any residue on the skin. With clean gloves, remove Derm Shield from the sterile pouch. Cut the Derm Shield to cover tattooed area plus a 1 to 2 inch margin from the edge of the tattoo. Peel off backing to expose adhesive side and position the Derm Shield over the tattoo with the adhesive side facing the skin. Gently apply using light pressure, starting from the center to the edges to eliminate air bubbles. Do not stretch the Derm Shield during application.
The first Derm Shield application should stay in place for 24 hours, depending on level of exudation. It is normal for blood and fluids to collect under the bandage.
A second application can be used for several days, and a third application may be used if necessary. Gently clean and dry the area between applications. Do not wear any piece longer than one week. Four nights of dermal bandage coverage is ideal.
The Derm Shield is best removed in the shower under warm (not hot) running water to assist the removal process. Gently peel the Derm Shield by pulling it slowly from the edge back over itself. Do not pull the bandage upwards.
Once the Derm Shield is no longer in use (four nights total is ideal), use a very thin layer of non-scented water based lotion (I recommend Lubriderm). The lotion should be applied to the tattoo a few times daily for a couple weeks while the skin is still shiny from the healing process.